At New Beginnings, we have experienced chefs who prepare nutritiously healthy meals, which include breakfast as necessary, a mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack and tea.
We have nursery chefs on the premises all day who use high-quality meat, fruit and vegetables to provide freshly prepared meals daily, which include vegan and vegetarian options.
Babies home feeding routines are continued in the nursery and we work alongside parents to introduce a successful weaning programme.
Mealtimes are a social occasion and an opportunity for children and staff to interact within our family environment. Children are encouraged to try new foods and widen their knowledge and tastes.
An alternative meal will be provided for your child if they have an intolerance or religious beliefs. By six months, babies should be physically ready to start eating solid foods. The nursery will provide support for the weaning process, ensuring that every baby is provided with freshly prepared vegetables and fruit. A copy of the three-week menu and weaning menu is available on our menu page. You can also request a recipe from this page should your child have a favourite dish you wish to try at home.
Our nursery chefs are proud to serve every child with freshly prepared food from our carefully designed menus. These menus are nutritionally planned, balancing food groups, considering portion sizes, and the right balance of salt and sugar intake. We know that your child will enjoy a rich variety of different meals that offer a balance across the right food groups throughout the week.
Our menus are planned to offer children low salt (sodium) and low sugar, fully nutritious meals and snacks throughout the day, according to their individual dietary needs and national guidelines. We encourage children to try new foods and to eat a balanced diet. However, where children refuse to eat the meal provided or are still in the process of learning to try new things, we do offer an alternative such as a sandwich or a healthy-filled wrap. This will be provided if the child has not eaten a sizeable portion of the meal, despite encouragement, to ensure that they are not hungry and are adequately fed. Parents will be notified by the tapestry app if children are not eating to consider ways we can work together to encourage and support each child.
* Please note that the menu operated at your child's nursery may differ slightly on occasion. Please always consult with your nursery team for any specific menu queries.
At New Beginnings we are always looking at ways in which we can promote and support children's healthy eating and well-being. We have been taking part in a variety of awards and accreditations which support and encourage this across all of our nursery settings. We gained our accreditation in the 'Soil Association Food For Life Early Years Award' in March 2018. We have now completed our 'Healthy Early Years London Award' and received our first steps, bronze, silver and gold accolades.
Processes, such as coloured plates and individual care plans help children and adults to identify those with special dietary needs at mealtimes.
Food for specific diets, including vegetarian and religious preferences, are clearly labelled by the nursery chef before coming into the room to be served. All children are well supported and closely supervised by a member of staff in their nursery room at mealtimes. They are encouraged to feed themselves where appropriate, develop new skills, and engage in discussions about ‘healthy food’ so that they learn good habits for the future.
One of the key persons who works in the nursery room, closely supervises children with allergies and intolerances, to help them to learn about their ‘individual diet’ from an early age. Conversations at mealtimes contribute to children’s understanding of their dietary needs. Meaningful discussion and first-hand experience help them to learn about safe practices, such as why they shouldn’t eat someone else’s food or drink.
Weaning menus with appropriate textured foods are provided according to your child’s age and phase of development. In particular, for babies and younger children, and for those children with special educational needs and/or disabilities who are unable to manage solid food, we work with parents to develop weaning programmes that suit their child’s needs.
Before a child starts with us, we will always ensure we have gathered the information from their parent or carer, including any relevant information from other professionals, so that we are fully aware of each child’s specific dietary needs.
We work closely with families to put individual dietary plans in place for children with allergies. These ensure that everyone involved in the child’s care is aware of how the allergy needs to be managed and any action required.
Unlike food allergies, the symptoms of a food intolerance are less severe and non-life threatening. However, we still take the utmost care to manage intolerances to ensure children’s ongoing good health. Like the management of allergies, a care plan will be implemented that details the specific needs of the child and the actions required.
Religious and Cultural Preferences
We respect the traditions and culture of each of our children and families. We cater for several religious and cultural diets, recognising that some foods are prohibited. We are guided by the needs of each child and work with families to provide alternatives.
Our vegetarian meals are healthy and include all necessary nutrients. We follow government guidelines on these meals.
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