The first six months of a new employees journey at New Beginnings are extremely important. During this time we will provide support, training ( where required ) and guidance to welcome you into our organisation. Throughout the induction process we want to be confident and ensure that our staff understand everything they need to do their job role, become an expert at their job and build successful relationship with the children we support, their families and our existing staff team.
Your induction will take place in stages and will assist you to familiarise yourself with the company culture, policies, procedures, and processes.
A member of the team will go through your nursery layout and all the important information to help support your start with us. Throughout your induction you will be supervised and monitored during your probationary period and beyond.
It’s a good idea to grant all new employees access to an online employee handbook which covers all policies and procedures for your business. This will detail any legal requirements you will have to abide by, as well as company policies surrounding dress code, annual leave, sickness absence, shifts and operational plans.
Early on in the induction process, it’s important to invite the employee to a meeting where you explain the key responsibilities of their new role, what you expect from them and how their work will contribute to the wider company. This will give them a good overview to get started with and will encourage them to work hard and excel in their role. During this time explanation will be given about how to report an accident for a child and an adult.
Safeguarding is everyones responsibility. Your mentor will take you through the main Safeguarding information and individual nursery information regarding what to do if you are concerned about a childs safety or the behaviour of other adults working with children.
Please click the button below and complete the google form to confirm you have read and understood New Beginnings privacy notice.
When an accident or incident occurs with a child or staff member there will also be a designated first aid officer avaliable to deal with the situation. Your mentor will go through with you who are your designated first aid officers in the nursery. Also how to report an accident or incident with either a child or yourself.
On the first day of the induction process, we will take you through our health and safety procedures and receive any necessary training. Different types of roles will require different levels of training, but as a minimum requirement, employees should know how to assess and minimise common workplace risks, and be informed about emergency procedures.
Your mentor will take you through the room routines and ask you to read about mealtime safety and importance over supervising children when eating.
As part of your induction we require you to complete a permissions consent form. Please click the link below and complete the form.
Click the button below to complete your day one questionnaire. Mentor/manager to check questionnaire has been completed.
Mentor/manager to click on the link below and go through the importance of interactions with children. Go through the video with staff member and explain key points of the video to them. Use the video as a guide when going through effective communication with the staff member.
Soothing children to sleep is an important part of the nursery day and children's care routines. Mentor to go through with staff member how at New Beginnings children are soothed to sleep during quiet times.
Safeguarding is everyones responsibility when working with children. It is very important that our safeguarding policy and procedure is read and understood. Mentor/Manager to go through safeguarding policy with staff member. Ensure they cover key points within the policy.
Mentor/Manager to go through supervision of children policy and procedure.
Visit the nurseries main safeguarding page and go through keeping children safe document with staff member.
Manager to set staff member level 2 safeguarding training to complete via the NDNA. Visit the NDNA development zone. Set staff member a 2 week deadline.
Once safeguarding training complete safeguarding quiz to be complete via google forms.
This course will give you an introduction to the Prevent duty, the forms of extremism and terrorism threatening the UK and develop your knowledge around the risks of radicalisation and your supportive role. Staff member is to complete the 3 short course via the government website. Set staff member a 2 week deadline.
Visit your nursery safeguarding page and mentor to go through staff code of conduct via the natwest handbook.
Mentor to go through with staff member our online safety policy and highlight the expectations of conduct online as staff members and between families who attend the nursery.
Depending on the age of the children they care for, key people have a range of responsibilities, such as feeding, changing, activity planning and monitoring each child’s developmental progress. Through these activities, the key person’s most important task is to get to know the child as an individual and to develop a warm and empathic relationship with them. A key part of this is responding sensitively to their verbal and non-verbal cues.
Click the link below for a more indepth explanation of the role of a key person.
Click the button below to complete your week one questionnaire. Mentor/manager to check this has been completed.
Your mentor/manager will also carry out an end of week supervision with you and discuss any actions or targets set.
Mentor to liase with admin team and staff member to book in first aid course to be completed within first 3 months.
Mentor to ensure following policies and procedures are read.
Nurseries Health and safety
Infection control
Sickness and illness
Manual handling
It is important that all staff members know and understand how to identify and report a risk within the work place. Click on the button below to watch the short video on reporting hazards in the workplace.
Mentor to request Health & Safety training via natwest mentor. Set staff member a 2 week deadline.
It is important that people understand the difference between an accident and an incident. Your mentor will go through accident vs incidents powerpoint presentation to support you in your understanding.
To minimise the risk of infectious diseases spreading within the nursery it is important we understand what we can do to minimise this and what we have in place to protect ourselves. Your mentor will go through our infection prevention and control presentation to support you in your understanding and training.
A variety of injuries may result from poor manual handling and staff must all be aware and adhere to the nursery’s manual handling procedure. Click on the button below to go through manual handling video training.
It is important to understand the different types of cleaning products we use within the nursery and how they should be used safely. Visit the nursery COSHH pages and go through COSHH risk assessment. Staff member required to read through COSHH data sheets and complete google form to confirm. Allow 2 weeks to complete this.
Staff member to complete COSHH training training via Natwest mentor set them a 2 week deadline to complete.
Mentor to go through the use of PPE and where to dispose of waste within the correct bins at the nursery.
Mentor to go through cleaning procedures using mop/bucket, hoovering, sterlising, cleaning the bathroom/nursery rooms. Using the washing machine/tumble dryer if applicable.
Click the button below to complete your weeks 2/3 questionnaire. Mentor/manager to check this has been completed.
Your mentor/manager will also carry out an end of week supervision with you and discuss any actions or targets set.
Mentor to go back through infection and control powerpoint reminder on PPE and when and how to use it.
Staff member to read the following policies and procedures:
Caring for babies and toddlers
Settling in
Mentor to demonstrate how to change a nappy and then observe new staff member changing nappies. Explain and show how to support toilet training where applicable.
Mentor to show staff member how to make a bottle using the prep machine, shadow staff member making a bottle themselves. Also how to use and clean the sterliser.
Mentor to show staff member how to feed a baby and support staff member with feeding a baby. Also how to clean and sterlise a bottle and cups after every use.
Click the button below to complete your week 4 questionnaire. Mentor/manager to check this has been completed.
Your mentor/manager will also carry out an end of week supervision with you and discuss any actions or targets set.
Manager to go through with staff member the allergy and dietary requirements for all children within the room which the staff member will be based. Take allergy and dietary book from the room and go through this to support them ensure they know where to find it in the room should they need it.
Manager to go through any individual menu and health care plans for the children within the room the staff member is based.
Mentor to ensure the following policies and procedures have been read to support training:
Allergies & Allergic reactions
Nutrition & Mealtimes
It is very important for all staff to have an understanding of children's dietary and allergy needs. Staff member will need to complete food allergy and intolerance training via the food standards agency. Set staff member a 2 week deadline.
Staff member to complete food safety and hygiene trainng via the NDNA. Visit the NDNA development zone. Set staff member a 2 week deadline.
Mentor to observe staff member carrying out meal and snack times.
Click the button below to complete your weeks 5 & 6 questionnaire. Mentor/manager to check this has been completed.
Your mentor/manager will also carry out an end of week supervision with you and discuss any actions or targets set.
Mentor to have gone through fire safety procedures, fire exits, fire drills, etc.
To ensure staff member reads the following policies and procedures:
Fire Drill
Fire safety
Fire safety procedure
Fire warden
Staff member to complete fire safety training via Natwest mentor set them a 2 week deadline to complete.
Staff member to complete fire evacuation training via Natwest mentor. Mentor to set a 2 week deadline.
Manager to ensure staff member takes part in a fire drill. Within the first term of them starting.
Manager to make sure staff member takes part in a lockdown. Within the first term of them starting.
Ensure staff member reads the following policies and procedures:
Emergency lockdown
Critical incident
Managing extreme weather
Click the button below to complete your week 7 questionnaire. Mentor/manager to check this has been completed.
Your mentor/manager will also carry out an end of week supervision with you and discuss any actions or targets set.
Mentor read through policies with staff:
Inclusion & Equality
Dealing with discriminatory behaviour
At New Beginnings we support all children with additional needs. Click on your nursery below to go through our SEND policy and procedure.
Mentor to ask staff to watch the British values video to support their knowledge and understanding.
Ensure British values policy and procedure is read and understood.
Mentor to go through the British values and prevent duty document with staff memeber.
Mentor to go through what is cultural capital and support staff member and go through document.
Mentor to go through promoting positive behaviour factsheet to support them in their practice.
Staff member to go through managing childrens behaviour policy and procedure.
Click the button below to complete your weeks 8 & 9 questionnaire. Mentor/manager to check this has been completed.
Your mentor/manager will also carry out an end of week supervision with you and discuss any actions or targets set.
Staff member to complete the online safety training via NDNA. Visit the NDNA development zone. Set deadline of 2 weeks to complete.
Mentor to read through Tapestry Do's and Don'ts document to ensure they understand how to use Tapestry.
Mentor to liase with admin team to add staff member to Tapestry and send them PIN via parentmail.
Mentor to ensure staff reads the following policies and procedures;
Acceptable internet use
Access storage & retention of records
E Safety
Online Safety
Mobile Phone & electrcal devices
Social Media
Staff member to complete GDPR training via natwest mentor. Set deadline of 2 weeks to complete.
Mentor/Manager to confirm GDPR privacy notice has been completed. This should have been completed on their first day.
Click the button below to complete your weeks 10 & 11 questionnaire. Mentor/manager to check this has been completed.
Your mentor/manager will also carry out an end of week supervision with you and discuss any actions or targets set.
Mentor to go over watch us grow curriculum document.
Mentor/Manager to use document and ask staff member to compelte EYF's training. Should be completed within 1 week.
Mentor to go through and staff to complete the DFE Early Years Education training. Give 2 weeks to complete training.
Mentor/manager to go through planning for learning boards with staff memeber.
Mentor/manager to role model a together time with staff memeber. Then for staff memeber to plan and carry out together time mentor to observe this.
Mentor/Manager to show and support staff member with setting up the room/garden. Then to observe staff member setting up the room/garden independently.
Mentor/manager to allocate key children to staff member. Ensure they are added to the key person booklet and parents informed if the staff member is going to be their child's key person.
Mentor/Manager to show and support staff member writing up and uploading an observation onto Tapestry.
Mentor to ensure staff member reads the following policies and procedures:
Benefits of listening to the voice of young children
Early learning opportunities statement
Gun & Superhero
Equipment & Resources
Gifted & Talented
Quality Provision
Watch us grow
Click the button below to complete your questionnaire. Mentor/manager to check this has been completed.
Your mentor/manager will also carry out an end of week supervision with you and discuss any actions or targets set.
Mentor to ensure outstanding policies and procedures have been read and understood.
Anti bribery
Arrivas & Departures
Conflict resolution with parents & aggressice behaviour
Complaints and complements
Late collection & non collection
Looked after children
Lone working
Manual handling
Multiple birth families
Parents as partners
Seperated families
Visits and outings
Mentor to ask staff member to write up a reflective account on how they have found their induction process and starting New Beginnings.
Mentor/Manager to liase with Paula Gill or Lisa Vann to book in staff members induction review meeting.
Useful links
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