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Starting Nursery FAQS

  • What happens when my child starts nursery?

    We want to find out as much as possible about your child and their routine. We will ask you to fill out a form, called ‘All About Me’ and 'Care plan' that will give us lots of information about their home life, routine and what they do and don’t like.  We’ll ask about things like allergies, when they sleep and what their development is like if they are a baby and what kind of things they love to do.  

    To ensure your child is happy when they start at New Beginnings you’ll be asked to bring and drop your child to the nursery for settling in session.

    This usually consists of a 30 minute-1 hour meeting at the nursery with the nursery manager and your child's key person. After this meeting, your child will then be invited to another settling-in session where they visit their nursery room for 2 hours on their own where they will begin to explore their new environment, and build relationships with their key person, staff and peers. 

    We welcome you to call and we will let you know how they are getting on if you are worried. When you come to collect your child we will let you know how they have got on. 

  • Will my child be required to bring anything with them when starting nursery?

    Please visit our nurseries pages to view the new starts & moving rooms information document.  This will give you all the information on what to bring. 

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